Human Resources

Human Resources Policy

Turcas Human Resources management aims to adopt and sustainably implement target oriented and innovative human resource practices that support the long term investment strategies of the company, and create value for all stakeholders.

Committed to valuing human capital and employee satisfaction as the key to success, Turcas aims to include adding manpower with appropriate know-how and competency into its structure, supporting employee’s personal and professional development in an ongoing manner; and developing a corporate culture based on high-quality standards and efficiency where employees who have different viewpoints cooperate and create value.

In order to achieve corporate targets, the Company embraces the core values that the business is based on, and which it will maintain, develop and pass on to future generations, while aware of its responsibility to society and in compliance with the Company’s code of conduct.

Turcas values diversity among its workforce and potential candidates without discriminating on the basis of race, color, faith, ethnic or national origin, religion, gender, marital status, age or disability.

Turcas aims to create a rewarding environment that encourages proactive work at every level of the organization, while building a high-performance team. With target-based management and performance assessment, the Company plans and conducts employee career and competency development.

In addition to legally paid wages, the Company also provides the following side benefits:

  • Paid Leave
  • Health Insurance
  • Personal Accident Insurance (if needed within the scope of duties and responsibilities)
  • Marriage Benefits
  • Maternity Benefit
  • Food and Transportation

In addition, the Company complies with the criteria in Articles 3.3.3, 3.3.4, 3.3.5, 3.3.6, 3.3.7, 3.3.8, 3.3.9 of the Capital Markets Board’s Corporate Governance Principles Communiqué.

Human Resources Implementations

Employee Assistance Program
The Company offers services in the following areas as part of the “Employee Assistance Program”:

  • Psychological Counselling
  • Legal Guidance
  • Crisis/Critical Situation Management
  • Social Life and General Information Services

while also organizing healthy lifestyle seminars for employees, which will benefit them in their professional lives as well as private lives.

Internal Communication Group “Synergistic Actions”

An Internal Communication Group, under the Synergistic Actions corporate identity, was set up to conduct activities that will support the corporate culture, increase communication between staff members, boost employee motivation and loyalty to the Company, strengthen teamwork, and ensure workflow productivity. In the Internal Communication Group, which started operating in 2014 and is staffed by employees with the necessary experience, knowledge and skills to help form and develop relevant projects, there is an “Employee Representative” who is democratically elected for the purpose of receiving the expectations of employees through a representative who then shares them with the team.

Employee Loyalty and Satisfaction Research
Corporate Culture and Organizational Climate Research

The Company conducts an “Employee Loyalty and Satisfaction Research” in order to bolster the corporate structure and achieve sustainable success, by understanding the importance of identifying staff needs, expectations and elements that increase motivation.

The Employee Loyalty and Satisfaction Research and Corporate Culture and Organizational Climate Research are a study that is conducted with a systematic method and approach, and is structured to reveal any possible factors that impede and/or increase the workforce’s contentment and job satisfaction; the attitudes and value judgments pertaining to work; and the corporate culture. This research is conducted to contribute to the “development” of management and the organization, and strategies, aims, roles, talents, policies, and procedures (but not individuals) are evaluated in the research.

The results uncovered by the research help determine the necessary steps and priorities to increase employees’ job satisfaction, foster loyalty to the Company (corporate belongingness), and boost motivation levels. Research results also aid in creating development plans and putting them into operation.

Internal Customer Satisfaction and Organizational Compliance Research

The Internal Customer Satisfaction and Organizational Compliance Research is conducted internally to measure the productivity of departments that interact with each other. The Research is instrumental in revealing problems experienced within inter-departmental coordination and identifying the improvement needs in these processes.

The main goal is to create high internal customer satisfaction by ensuring the internal workflow and relationship management, thereby boosting productivity.


Turcas Petrol employs a total of 42 personnel consisting of 17 female and 25 male employees, as of December 31, 2022.

Shell & Turcas in which Turcas Petrol holds a 30% direct stake, and its subsidiaries and affiliates employ a total of 552 personnel, 177 of whom are female and 375 are male.

RWE & Turcas South Power Generation, in which Turcas holds a 30% direct stake, employs a total of 62 personnel, 14 of whom are female and 48 are male.

ATAŞ Terminal in which Turcas Petrol A.Ş. has a 13.1% total ownership - through 5% direct and 8.1% indirect stake - employs a total of 72 personnel, 6 of whom are female and 66 are male.

76% of the employees hold a graduate or postgraduate degree. The workforce’s average age is 42, while the average age of the staff in management and senior management positions is 46.

Key positions in the Company have been identified, and efforts are currently underway to identify and develop potential candidates to back up these critical positions. Turcas priority is to plan for the training and development of employees with a goal of carrying the Company into the future.

Remuneration, Compensation and Collective Bargaining Agreements

Turcas embraces the following principles in remuneration policy management:

  • Being fair
  • Being transparent
  • Basing remuneration on measurable and balanced performance targets
  • Encouraging sustainable success (rewarding employees and promoting competition)
  • Complying with Company strategies, long-term targets and effective risk management principles.

The Human Resources Department is responsible to the Award, Appreciation and Remuneration Committee for preparing, issuing, updating and effectively practicing the guidelines related to the principles and procedures of remuneration.

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